60 RF

JONES criteria for Acute Rheumatic Fever Diagnosis
Required Criteria - At least 1 required for positive diagnosis.
Positive throat culture or rapid strep test
Elevated or rising streptococcal antibody titer
Major Criteria - 2+ required for positive diagnosis (or 1 with 2+ minor)
-J -joint - migratory polyarthritis
-O-(heart shape) - carditis, vulvitis
-N-neuro - Sydendham chorea
-E- erythema marginatum
-S-subcutaneous nodules
Minor Criteria - 2+ required for positive diagnosis with 1+ major.
Elevated acute phase reactants (ESR and CRP)
Prolonged PR interval
Cases of isolated chorea, indolent carditis, or recurrent attacks of rheumatic fever are more suggestive of rheumatic fever regardless of the presence of other Jones Criteria. In these scenarios, ARF is the presumptive diagnosis until proven otherwise.